CJO Moose, one of our regular clients, is the biggest language school in Poland. They have been running since 1984, now operate across 86 different cities, and have developed a reputation for their unique teaching methods. They approached us to look at their online presence and propose changes to attract more students and allow more effective management of the school.
We decided to overhaul their online presence completely and create a responsive and functional platform which would serve all the needs of the school through one website. This would involve multiple functions including introducing new visitors to the school and allowing existing students to conduct language tests and customise their course preferences. With this multi-functionality we made sure that UX was a prime concern throughout the process, and even included a geo-location tool in the mobile version of the site which automatically displays the nearest courses.
The site is underpinned by a complex and efficient CMS which allows for the management of content and databases by different user permissions, including administrators, franchisees, and almost 1,000 teachers. Perhaps the most complex challenge of this project however was the remodelling of the previous subpage structure, which included the redirecting of as many as 91 sub-domains. We carefully plotted and implemented a logical url and page structure which has ensured effective optimisation of the website.
The Moose website is now a highly effective online presence for this forward-thinking company, and one which retains high conversion rates to bring in new students, teachers, and business partners on a regular basis. Frogriot passed this test with flying colours!

Radek Mentel
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